As an Architecture Student, you are constantly bustling around. As you go from design studio, to other classes, to your home, and the cheap Chinese food down the street, you need something to keep all your drawings crisp, clean, and crease free. These are the two most popular options for getting the job done.
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A portfolio case will ensure your drawings stay flat, but they are bulkier and more hassle on the go. Document tubes offer the added protection of a waterproof seal and the greatest carrying convenience, but your paper will need to be flattened out every time you pull it out.
Most of your drawings will be taped or pinned to a surface, so we recommend prioritizing the carrying convenience and waterproofing of the tube style (and it's a lower price).
We've gone through the effort to find the carrying case and carrying tube that give you the biggest value for the lowest price. We excluded the stuff that's too cheap and will fall apart in 3 months, requiring you to buy a nicer one anyway. They both have 4.5 or more Stars on over 1,000 Reviews, so you can't go wrong either way.
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